It's COMMUNITY HOPE CAMPAIGN time at Aortic Hope!
🥰 Can you believe that Aortic Disease Awareness Month is only 2 1/2 months away!!!! Aortic Disease Awareness Day is exactly 3 months away on September 19th and on that day, we will be launching our 4th Community Hope Campaign video featuring YOU!!! Check out last year's video showing everyone you DO have something in common with.
❤️ Beginning today and continuing through Wednesday, September 14th, we offer you an opportunity to share with the community what "HOPE looks like".
📷 Take a selfie or maybe a photo of you and your family or even your doctor and nurses and email it to us at info@aortichope.org please put HOPE in the subject line.
❤️On September 19th, Aortic Disease Awareness Day, a video will be shown with all of the photos.
By submitting your photos, you are granting Aortic Hope permission to display them on our Facebook page, Instagram, YouTube and Website. In addition, other Facebook pages or organizations may choose to share your photos as well.
No compensation will be paid for participating in this community outreach initiative.