We are very excited to announce our new Director of Support Services (Caregivers) Teri Lize-Carlisi Ali.
Teri will be moderating one of our Support Group Meetings for Caregivers as well as taking on the role of an Admin for the Caregiver Private Forum.
"Hi. I'm Teri.
I'm a caregiver and my survivor was found to have a thoracic aortic aneurysm 5 years ago this Summer. It was found during a lung CT. He has undergone genetic testing and results showed an unspecified connective tissue disorder and genetic 'variance of unknown significance'. At least one adult child carries this variant (the other refuses to be tested or have baseline screening, as do many of his first-degree family members).
I have had a long career in the medical field, having worked in Cardiology / Vascular Research. In my downtime, I love to read medical research journals. I'm also a Project Manager now with a 6 Sigma focus, so I love to dig into the many layers of 'why'. My survivor (husband) is missing the middle layer of his vessel walls (called the tunica media). I've done family interviews, and was astounded to see how many indicators there were along the way for my survivor.
I've been graciously supported by this Caregiver Group for this past 5 years. When you "know", it doesn't mean you don't still have fears, or haven't experienced the very many changes in our lives since his very emergency repair (the PTSD).
This group has been much of what keeps me going. Whether its celebrating the great days when I can put my fears and exhaustion behind me for a moment, to holding me up during my not-so-strong days.
I'm honored to be invited to assist with being an admin on this page. I will do all in my power to continue to uphold each and every one of you (us), as has been done for me.
It's my great pleasure to meet you all on a little different level now." ~Teri
Please welcome Teri.