Maria Trinidad Herrera had her first Aortic Dissection surgery in 2009. The fears and questions became overwhelming. The difficulty with the diagnosis and the lack of knowledge of some medical professionals worked against her. If found on time, what could have been addressed with a stent or observation led to a complicated and dangerous emergency open-heart surgery that forever changed her life. The psychological traumas after the surgery became a daunting chore and led her to find a healing path in poetry. With this second edition of her first book, she shares how poetry continues to heal and fortify her spirit in the most vulnerable moments of her life as an Aortic Dissection survivor.
You are not alone…
Are you a spanish speaking aortic disease patient? Sign up here:
⭐ Be the shining star in someone's life by submitting your story of survival or caring for someone with Aortic disease.
❤️ We really want to know about the symptoms that were experienced and the process of diagnosis. We will be sharing your video or blog with Think Aorta US and use it as a tool to show Emergency Room Physicians and First Responders why it is so important to Think about the Aorta.
❤️ If you would be interested in sharing your story, complete the form by clicking this link
The Aortic Hope Survivor Video and Blog Series form allows Aortic Hope to collect basic information for Survivor Series video and blog participants. This information will not be shared with anyone except the Aortic Hope administrative members. Videos and blogs submitted to Aortic Hope are used solely for the purpose of sharing with others; no monetary payment will be made.