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Live event with Cardiac Yoga Instructor and fellow Survivor, Karin Bertozzi.

Live Q&A event with a member of our community and Hope Ambassador, Karin Bertozzi. Karin was most recently featured in our Survivor Series. Almost 4 years ago Karin Bertozzi fainted in a market in Bethesda, Maryland. Four days later she woke up in the ICU and learned she had suffered an ascending aortic aneurysm and dissection. Her surprise event revealed a connective tissue disorder that has been in her family for generations. She is very active as a volunteer with Mended Hearts - a support group offering hope to heart patients and their families. Her message is one of giving back and knowing your family history. Karin has recently become a 500ERTY and Cardiac Yoga Certified Instructor. She will be showing us how we all can do simple and easy Chair Yoga as a way of decreasing stress and improving our emotional and mental well-being. You will also have time to ask any questions about her, her experience and Chair Yoga.

This will not involve any isometric movements. However, please make sure you are cleared by your doctor before taking part in any stretching or exercise.

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