Hey Family! I hope you are all doing well this beautiful Tuesday morning. It has been a long time since my last post and I am happy to be back. I see that over the past few weeks, Sam and Duc have been been reviewing a lot of great info about blood pressure medications. I think it might be helpful to do a trivia challenge to help recap all of these posts.
Try your best to answer these questions without scrolling to previous posts! Answers will be posted tomorrow morning.
There was a class of anti-hypertensive drugs that worked by decreasing heart rate / contractility and also by reducing the release of renin from the kidneys. Do you remember their name?
Can you name a few side effects of diuretics?
What drug class does “Esmolol ” belong to?
What drug class does “Hydrochlorothiazide” belong to?
What drug class does “Lasix” belong to?
What is another name for Lasix?
Which type of diuretic (loop or thiazide) carries a small risk of hearing loss when administer in high doses?
True or False - Spirinolactone is a good choice diuretic in patients with low potassium?
Which receptor (b1/b2) is “cardio-selective”?
Which organs do diuretics work on to help decrease blood pressure?
** Bonus - Which drug class (thiazide/ loop diuretics / b blockers) have been shown to help reduce mortality after heart attacks?
Be sure to drop your answers down below before tomorrow at 9 AM! Thanks for joining us today. Enjoy the weather and remember to always #ThinkAorta!
Your friend,