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It's Therapeutic Thursday

Updated: May 20

Today is Therapeutic Thursday at Aortic Hope!

🤝 In case you weren't aware, Aortic Hope offers Support Group Meetings in a virtual environment not only for patients but also for caregivers and for those who are grieving the loss of a loved one to Aortic Disease. What makes our meetings special is they are moderated by other patients, caregivers and individuals who have lost loved ones. We occasionally have guest speakers as well.

❓ Why are support groups important? Not only do support groups offer individuals an opportunity to meet either in-person or online, but they have a chance to share their stories, feel validated by what they hear and become empowered to ask questions of their own physicians. Support group meetings are never to be used as a means for medical advise or in substitute for what is discussed between yourself and your physician. It is a forum for sharing experiences.

♥️Patient Support: First Tuesday at 12pm EST, Second Tuesday at 10pm EST and the last Wednesday at 7pm EST

♥️Caregivers ONLY: First Monday at 10pm EST and the Third Thursday at 8pm EST *New Time Slots

♥️Grief: Second Tuesday every other month 7pm EST

👇To register for a meeting:

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