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It's Share With You Sunday

Today is Share With You Sunday at Aortic Hope.

Want your opinions to be heard? Looking for a way to help the Aortic Disease Community?

Check out Savvy Cooperative and Rare Patient Voice.

What is Savvy and why do you want to consider signing up? Well:

👉 Companies have questions. Patients have answers.

Too often, companies and innovators waste time and money creating products and services that don't meaningfully impact patients' lives. Why? Because they never bothered to ask patients. Want to learn more about how you can earn money while answering questions? Check out the link for more information.

What is Rare Patient Voice?

👉Rare Patient Voice, LLC provides patients and caregivers with rare diseases (or any for that matter) an opportunity to voice their opinions through surveys and interviews to improve medical products and services. Want to learn more about how you can participate in surveys and earn money? Check out the link for more information.

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