Today is Medical Monday at Aortic Hope.
"Watchful Waiting" is a phrase that is used often in the community but what does this really mean?
Watchful waiting for an aortic aneurysm is a strategy that involves regular monitoring of the size and shape of the aneurysm without any immediate treatment. It is usually recommended for small or medium aneurysms that do not cause any symptoms and are not growing quickly.
Watchful waiting aims to reduce the risk of rupture or dissection, which are life-threatening complications of an aortic aneurysm. Rupture is a complete tear through the wall of the aorta, while dissection is a partial tear that creates a false channel for blood flow.
Watchful waiting may include periodic imaging tests, such as CT scan, MRI or ultrasound, to check for any changes in the aneurysm. It may also include medications to lower blood pressure or cholesterol levels, which can help slow the growth of the aneurysm. Additionally, lifestyle changes, such as quitting smoking, eating healthy foods, and exercising regularly, can improve the health of the aorta and prevent further damage.
Watchful waiting does not mean ignoring the aneurysm or its potential consequences. It is important to report any unexplained pain in the chest, back or abdomen to your doctor immediately and seek emergency care if you experience signs of rupture or dissection, such as rapid heart rate, lightheadedness, shock or loss of consciousness.