Today is Medical Monday at Aortic Hope.
❤️ Thoracic Aortic Aneurysms, size and surgery...this is often a topic of discussion within the community. We want to present some information from Kaiser Permanente's study called' Large study of thoracic aortic aneurysm backs guidelines" which confirms a low long-term risk for most aneurysms.
"A large, new Kaiser Permanente study provides high-quality evidence that most of the 33,000 patients diagnosed each year in the U.S. with a thoracic aortic aneurysm — a bulge in the part of the main artery that runs through the chest — are not likely to experience an aortic dissection and may not need open-heart surgery.
“We built the largest-ever cohort of patients with thoracic aortic aneurysm to study their natural history,” said lead author Matthew D. Solomon, MD, PhD, a physician researcher at the Kaiser Permanente Division of Research and a Kaiser Permanente cardiologist. “This research was critical because of the lack of evidence to guide clinicians and the ongoing debate in the field as to how large an aneurysm should be before recommending a patient undergo a very high-risk surgery.”
The study, published October 5 in JAMA Cardiology, is the largest to date to support the current consensus guidelines that recommend surgery for most patients with a thoracic aneurysm that is 5.5 centimeters or larger. These guidelines are specific to patients who do not have certain genetic conditions that increase their risk of experiencing an aortic aneurysm or dissection."
The article goes on to say: "“Our study shows that regular monitoring, coupled with aggressive blood pressure control and lifestyle changes, is a safe strategy for most patients until the aneurysm reaches the 5.5 centimeters mark, when surgery becomes necessary,” said Dr. Solomon, who is the founder and director of the Kaiser Permanente Center for Thoracic Aortic Disease. “The fact that we found a clear inflection point in risk at 6.0 cm supports the current guidelines and will help inform the debate of when to do surgery.”
To view this article, click here.
*Remember to use this as a conversation point with your physician. Everyone has a different experience with Aortic Disease and there may be varying factors that cause someone to have an intervention before 5.5cm.