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It's a Movement for Movement

Today is a Movement for Movement Monday at Aortic Hope.

♥️ We realize that doing nothing is doing something but many people tend to lean towards doing little to morning especially after recovery from surgery or diagnosis. It's cardiac paralysis... and it makes total sense.

However, it's important to do whatever your physician has cleared you to do. Moving your body is essential to recovery and to overall physical/mental health and wellness.

According to the Mayo Clinic:

"Americans sit for 13 to 15 hours a day. We've made sitting into an art form. However, excess sitting now is linked with many diseases and conditions, including obesity, hypertension, back pain, cancer, cardiovascular disease and depression.

Check out a few ways to incorporate movement into your day:

-Use a standing desk when possible.

-Set a reminder to stand and move at least once per hour.

-Take a walk over lunch.

-Walk during phone or conference calls.

-Park far from store entrances, and enjoy your walk to and from.

-Skip the elevator and use the stairs.

-Walk around your house when doing routine tasks like brushing your teeth.

-Take your dog for a long walk once daily.

-Walk on a treadmill while watching TV.

-Do yardwork, such as mowing your lawn, raking leaves or planting flowers."

Whatever you do today, just try to move. Your body will thank you♥️

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