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Aortic Hope's Live Q&A with Sarah Khatau, Sales Operations Lead with Help Texts Tuesday, May 28th at 7pm EST

Come join Aortic Hope as we launch our new collaboration with Help Texts!

Sarah Khatau, Sales Operations Lead will explain everything there is to know about Help Texts and why you want to sign-up!

Text support is an an incredibly easy and effective way to get mental health support that works. Help Texts' published research shows that personalized text support is helpful for 95% of people who sign up for help navigating grief and other life challenges. All day, every day, Help Texts subscribers tell them that receiving texts feels good, and that their practical, personalized tips are helping them make small changes over time. Some even call text support life-changing.

Join us live on YouTube at 7pm EST and ask questions about this very interesting and helpful service.

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