In recognition of Mental Health Awareness Month, we are bringing back our very popular presentation on Mindfulness.
Come join Aortic Hope on Wednesday, May 8th from 7-9:30pm EST as we offer our Mindfulness Workshop with Survivor, Tom Bassarear.
You can participate on our AHTV YouTube channel.
Tom survived a Type B aortic dissection in November 2020 and spent 9 days in ICU during Covid lockdown. Tom had two surgeries in 2021 where six stents were placed in his aorta. At this point, the aorta had stabilized and now he has CT scans every six months.
Tom has been practicing mindfulness for 42 years. Although anxiety and depression run in his family, because of mindfulness, he doesn't take medication for anxiety and depression. Instead, he is able to use mindfulness practices to work with those thoughts and emotions when they arise--and they have been present almost daily since his dissection!
In this 90 minute workshop, participants will:
-learn what mindfulness and meditation is and is not
-learn four basic mindfulness meditations that can also be used during the day
- learn how to apply other mindfulness practices during the day
-have ample time to ask questions
During the workshop, Tom will talk about how these practices were helpful during his hospitalizations and the long recovery period after.