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Aortic Hope has been Nominated for Best Team with the Social Health Network

🎉We are thrilled to announce that Aortic Hope has been nominated as Best Team under Carin Andersen

❤️According to Social Health Network, "Social health is the dynamic, real-time actions people take to find meaningful connections and share information that impacts health journeys. It’s connecting with others, learning ways to communicate your story, and making an impact in healthcare."

❤️The Social Health Awards were created to embody the mission of the Social Health Network: to empower Health Leaders.

❤️Previously known as the WEGO Health Awards, the annual Social Health Awards have proven to be one of the best ways to honor, recognize, and celebrate the work of Health Leaders for more than a decade.

Please go to:

create a log in and VOTE under Best Team.

The #SocialHealthAwards celebrate patient leaders who positively impact the lives of patients and caregivers. We would be so grateful if you considered voting for Aortic Hope.

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